Our Hong Kong warehouse has been officially relocated and in operation with a new address starting from today while the previous warehouse address will no longer be available. To avoid any delivery delay or parcel loss, please update your shipping address on Hong Kong shopping sites you used as soon as possible.
The last day for receiving parcels of our previous warehouse will be on August 26th, 2020. If you have already pre-ordered your goods with our previous warehouse address, you are strongly advised to contact your seller immediately for updating the address. Please note that Buyandship will not be liable to any parcel loss nor delivery delay due to the above-mentioned event.
After relocation, our Hong Kong warehouse, where it is more spacious than the previous one, can allow us to process more parcels. We strive to provide the best parcel forwarding services for our valued users.
Thank you for your continued support.
>>Get the latest Overseas Warehouse Address and update your HK shipping address now